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Hi again 

my son had ivig this summer and it's now 10 weeks post ivig.  His tic of peeing has come back timing about right with a cold. Is this normal? A breathing he is mildly doing. Is this turning back the pages and when will it end?


I would think that timed with a cold, that is more likely to be symptoms of a flare from the cold than symptoms of turning back of the pages from IVIg.  But of course, we can only guess.

I would also think about getting checked for strep.


Thank you, Jan. We are new to all this and  freAking out watching the tics come back. Is there anything I cAn do to stop it? When will it end? We did tAke him back to dr to get cultured. So stressful. Is there a flare after 10 weeks post iVIG too I feel like I read that.

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