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Hi, I'm a mom with a 16 yr. old son diagnosed with PANS in September. We have been on the familiar roller coaster and are now waiting for results of the Cunningham Panel. In the meantime my son is out of school with severe anxiety, OCD, and intermittant verbal and motor tics. I'm wondering if there is anyone else in Portland who would be interested in forming a support group.


We are basically shut ins right now and feel very isolated and discouraged.


Thank you!


We are not in Portland, but wanted to encourage you to take courage - you are not alone.


How long has your son had OCD symptoms? Our son (now 13) has been unable to do school for over a year, but he has improved recently, and we are hoping to get him slowly back into some school work at home with Khan Academy.


Thank you for your reply and encouragement. My son has had OCD symptoms since this all started in September. He's never had it before and we didn't realize how tied in it is to anxiety..he goes to a private school, they are very understanding, but not required to provide homebound instruction. I will take a look at Khan Academy, thanks for the idea!


It must be so hard for a 16-year old. There is so much to learn about PANS, including pitfalls. Have you found good resources (PANS-aware doctor, websites you can trust)?


It has been really hard for him, it did cut his social life off at the knees. We are putting our trust in a Naturopath here in Portland who provides integrative medicine, she seems very confident and knowledgeable about PANS. I don't know, this is month 7, he has had a pretty major relapse but seems to be slowly getting better again...thanks for the reply!

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