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Our son is currently fairly stable in terms of his OCD, anxiety and emotional liability but continues to have tics.


We've had illnesses is going through the house and my daughter has impetigo on her face which I fear is strep (but my sons strep titres have been low so he was labelled with PANS and not PANDAS - coxsackie and his varicella vaccines appear to have played a major role for him).


We hit a brief rough spot last week with rage etc and our PANDAS knowledgeable Ped prescribed Keflex. By the time we received the prescription he was doing much better and had a fantastic weekend (I shared in another thread how I think pomegranate cherry juice helped) so we decided to wait for our Lyme test results which we knew we would have Tuesday from the naturopathic doctor before starting the Keflex at that point. The showed only positive for Band 41 (so negative for Lyme but we will test further).


Tuesday his tics has increased again, Wednesday they were also high, but tonight he seemed better again - tics I'd put at 4/10. He got a bit fixated on a strange worry but didn't escalate with it.


We're now feeling really torn about starting Keflex (tried Zithromax for 8 weeks previously with no real improvement in tics and it seems to make his mood and rages worse). We want him "cured" but aren't convinced with low strep titres and inconclusive Lyme that there is some immediate infection we need high dose abx to kill and so we worry about the risks of using them long term. Given his reaction to Zithromax and a herbal antimicrobial we tried I also worry if he does have Lyme or something else that is going to cause die off, going too fast with a "kill" may also not be a good treatment strategy for him - although I know Keflex isn't generally prescribed for lyme.


Our doc believes in the antinflammatory properties of abx for PANS/PANDAS and not just that they kill underlying infections.


The doc prescribed 2000mg per day of Keflex for our son who is 57lbs.


This seems super high to me.


What dosage of Keflex did your children start with and has it worked for anyone whose child doesn't have high strep titres?

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