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My daughter just had some strange eye movement. Her eyeballs just kind of started moving around strangely. I started looking online, and maybe it's nystagmus? Maybe it's something else- I don't know. I looked at videos. Should I be going to the emergency room? I don't know what to do. I don't want to go and put the stress on her if they're not going to do anything for us. I don't want to wait if this is an emergency. I can't think clearly enough to find answers, and there's no advice nurse at the ER.


This happened to my daughter - it passed. Showed the video to our Pans doctor but he didn't have any clear explanation. It was accompanied by myoclonus spasms. In my daughter's case, the trigger was mold exposure. Nebulized anti-fungal treatments slowly got rid of it.


I'd take a video and show it to your doctor. It's likely a sign of nervous system inflammation and cranial nerve issues. You can try anti-inflammatories for the time being. But I'm not sure the ER will do much except (maybe) run some tests and tells you to follow up with your doctor tomorrow. My own experiences with the ER is that they most focus on saving your life. Non-life threatening issues get stabilized and then sent home.


I can appreciate your concern. My son developed abnormal eye movements with the onset of his encephalopathy symptoms too and it continues to this day. As llm wisely advised, take a video and show it to the doctor as it will help them determine whether it is a nystagmus, opsoclonus, tic or other type of movement pattern. My son's eye symptoms are attributed to the documented effects of the inflammation on his basal ganglia.

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