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How to diagnose PANDAS

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please, read the pinned materials. they'll tell you what tests you can do. but pandas and pans are clinical diagnosis which means that they are diagnosed based on symptoms, not tests as there isn't one that can prove it or disprove it. you have a part of the symptoms and need to ask yourself if these symptoms were in any way related to infections. did you have a lot of strep? did these symptoms start after a major episode with strep, mycoplasma (pneumonia), or another bacterium, even lyme?

also, do your symptoms go down when you take ibuprofen? and how about abx? any change?

also, do you have an autoimmune disease? for instance, alergies?

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indeed, inflammation. there is no cure for padas. IVIG is the treatment that is cure for some.

long term abx, and combo, works for some. lowering inflammation in general helps a lot.

i hope you get to see a dr soon. there are several mentioned on older posts. do a serach of the archive. do a google search for a dr in ny area that deals with autoimmune stuff. there are many of them.

one more thing, you'll be your most imporant dr. so, get educated. read this forum, read sources recommended in this forum.

Edited by pr40
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