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Sheppard Pratt in Baltimore, PANDAS or PANS friendly?

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Can anyone tell me if Sheppard Pratt or any other psych hospital is PANDAS or PANS friendly?


We are at the end of our rope. Have been to both Children's in DC and Shady Grove in the past from desperation because our boy is sometimes so violent and suicidal there is no other option. They do not recognize PANS and tell him it is fake. He is obsessed with killing himself and has now turned his anger on us because we are stopping him. We are in treatment - scheduling Plasmapheresis but not sure we will make it that far. No medications have worked so far. it is like antipsychotics have no effect on his at all.

I need a back up option in case I have no choice. somewhere where he can be safe and still continue PANS treatment with Dr. L or anyone else.


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