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Got my son's PANDAS labs results back

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Well today I finally got the rest of my son's lab results back. I got my pediatrician to run them for me to compare to what the infection disease doc did last December. I knew my insurance would pay for them here and we are going to the Shands Clinic in a few weeks, so I wanted to have something recent available to compare to when his tics first started. Anyway, last december (one monthe after strept) his ASO titer was 1200, they did not do a Anti-DNAse at that time. This time his ASO is 1040, and his Anti-DNAse is 2,720 with the norm for school age children being less than 170. He has not had a strept infection since the second week in November. He had his tonsils and adnoids removed in early December and has basically been on antibiotics since that time, with only a few exceptions of taking him off to determine what would happen, then starting him right back. I just wondered what you all think of these results. It still seems pretty high to me. After all, it has been 5 months since the last infection.


As far as his symptoms go, he does pretty well. His grades have come up dramatically. Moods are more stable, although the last week he has been more argumenative and seems stressed (not sure why). His OCD is not evident, and most people would not notice his tics, but I still see a few, which doesn't worry me as long as it doesn't seem to worry him (which it doesn't). He occasionally has trouble sleeping, I would say about once a week or so.


But I have to admit that I am kind of shocked at how high these lab results are. I anticipated that they would be elevated, but not to such a degree. I thought we had made more progress than that. Anyone have any experience with labs, high or low???



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Hi Deedee,


My PANDAS son has had high titers for a long time. When he initially got sick we did both blood tests and both were high - I think 7-800 for the titers. That was in August 04 (wow - that is a long time ago), then in January 05 we re-tested and at the time he was doing much better - they were 1200 - I was shocked. My understanding now - is that when first tested at 700 it was just when he had a strep infection - the numbers rise over a few weeks - so now I think they probably rose to a much higher level ( I have read they can be up at 2000), then when we retested they were probably coming down - to the 1200 number - so if we had tested in Sept/Oct we probably would have seen the really high numbers. That is just my best guess. Anyway - we continued on antibiotics - and then over time the numbers came down to 700, then I think then around 600 a few times, at the beginning of last summer I think they were in the 650 range, then we started azith in August of this year, and re-tested probably in November and they were down to 400's - the first significant drop in a long time. My doctor says not to pay too much attention to the numbers, but I like seeing them come down. We will re-test in the summer.

Good Luck at the clinic - looking forward to an update.

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