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Lyme questions


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My first question is: Of those with a child with Lyme-related PANS, how frequently does it present as congenital? How many of you were also tested and with what results?


Also, I found this thread dhttp://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=2894492 discussing the differences in lyme tests.


What have you found to be the best go-to test for Lyme? Stony Brook, IgeneX, Medical Diagnostics Laboratory or Advanced Laboratory Services?



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Thank you for posting this. I am planning on doing the Igenex Lyme test in about a month once we are 4 months out from IVIG. PANDAS has been a scourge to our family finances included. There is only so much money to go around. Its hard to know where to spend money given the expense PANDAS treatments can incur and the ever growing number of tests to explore. Insurance offers poor coverage and we have to plan on how to get insurance to cover.


I will see if we can get the Stony Brook tests.

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DD is currently on first week of abx. She has high mycoP, so we tested for babesia, bartonella and a few other things. So far, the bart came back negative, with Quest at least. I am hoping we don't have to test for Lyme, but may need to, depending on how this course works. We're early into it though.

We live in a high-lyme area, and after reading up on it, it's very possible that I have it and conferred it to her. Not sure though....just tossing this out there for thoughts.

Thanks for responding :).

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