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Posted (edited)

I am really beginning to lose my mind!!!


ds10 - definitive PANDAS - in good state of remission until this fall. sept, EM Lyme rash. 2 weeks ago, positive rapid strep. doing pretty well now, healthwise -- except school is an absolute disaster -- I don't think it could possibly be worse.


ds12 -- a few weeks ago, occasional complaint of chest pain. I was wondering that is seemed to somehow correlate with cheese eating -- like mac and cheese dinner - I was thinking this could somehow be heartburn or some dietary problem.

have noticed some increased inattentiveness in past few weeks -- dh forgetting to give him zinc in morning -- seemed to improve when remember zinc.


3-4 years ago, he had PANDAS symptoms -- couldn't be on a floor of the house alone -- I'd almost trip over him as he was right next to me; intense nighttime fears; 'robber' fears; very troublesome endurance when playing basketball (normally good athlete) integrative doc diagnosed trouble with strep, lyme, bartonella, babesia. ped diagnosed exercise induced asthma -- had chest X-ray, EKG. saw slight heart murmur.

symptoms improved with homeopathic treatment from integrative MD. currently seems healthy -- slight tics that come and go (usually with virus) --not really noticeable to anyone but us. irritability and inattentiveness that comes and goes -- but he is almost 13.


tonight his chest was bothering him. I am now panicked if I could be missing post strep illness this is symptom of. he has not been swabbed. it's other son that was positive. *%$# - I should have had him tested a few weeks ago.


am i just some overwhelmed and worried or should I be paying attention to something I am not? any thoughts?


Edited by smartyjones
Posted (edited)

Smarty --


Chest pain rings one of two bells in my experience with my own DS: 1) yes, heartburn or reflux, prompted in part by overeating dairy; or 2) panic response.


I would suggest trying a dose of Pepcid and see if that relieves it? Too much histamine coursing around could be behind either one or both (reflux and panic), and Pepcid should help that temporarily. Then at least you'd know which direction to head in terms of a more long-lasting solution.


Hang in there!

Edited by MomWithOCDSon

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