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Can someone please tell me how long it takes to see results of dietary changes and vitamins? I posted a few days ago and only had one response so I'm really hoping that someone replies to this one. My daughter has facial tics (mainly nose scrunching) and three weeks ago we started gluten free, dairy free, sugar free and egg free. We also started magnesium taurine and B complex vitamin. We've seen some improvement but I was hoping for more, of course. Blood tests were done yesterday.




My daughter also tics and her main one was also nose scrunching, she also clears throat, coughs, gulps, and sometimes flicks her head back. The nose scrunch though was the very obvious one and she was doing it very often, up to 10 times per minute at worse point. She is currently doing it mildly and fairly infrequently and this is since I have cut out dairy, reduced salicyclates, colourings, preservatives and additives. I also give magnesium citrate, B6, omega 3 and just started zinc. I noticed steady improvements over about 3 weeks but a real difference when I cut out dairy and added omega 3 (within a few days)


I'm learning it is all trial and error, which when its your own child can be worrying!




Hi - I know its difficult but I would always suggest doing blood tests before changing diet - I think you might have?


I made changes to my sons diet & now its not possible to get true test results unless I put him back on the foods :(


We reduced my sons gluten & dairy over about 6 month at first - we also switched to goats milk. The tics seemed to reduce in their occurrence over the same period but I noticed when I cut out the goat dairy & gluten completely the tics went. Its hard to say if it was this because we were doing other things as well, supplements, homeopathy, cranial osteopathy, sensory integration avoiding other triggers like screen viewing........we had about a 4 months tic free (welI I still think he had a subtle tic that only I noticed) but anyway the tics are back full force & I'm not entirely sure why but I think perhaps its because he ate a chocolate bar which contained gluten & dairy or maybe it was because he dad let him watch 40minutes of a video game........ I do feel like I'm looking for a needle in a haystack most of the time :blink: I'm so glad you've done the blood tests hopefully they'll give you a clearer idea of triggers.

Hope you start to see some changes soon.

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