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Schooling Options?

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I took a look at the thread regarding schooling options. It was awesome. I will call around today, but I was wondering if I may ask you a question first. My daughter is quite far behind and is embarrassed and has lots of anxiety about any teacher seeing this. What would work for her right now (until we try to get her better) is some simple work books she can try to do on her own, with a friendly online instructor that will check in weekly to see how she is doing. Any kind of pressure sends her into a tail spin. Can someone tell me if they know of anything that would help us with this. Thanks!

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Our school, like most I think, offers home instruction. Our program was great, and the guidance c tailored it for us. At our school the child is caught up w the class work with weekly sessions, and given work @ home. If u r planning to transition her back 2 school, this works really well! We asked for a very sensitive teacher, and she was willing to work at the speed of dd capability. (Which initially was just reading to her)


This is free, but did require documentation from doc.

Edited by dcmom
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