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Last test in Cunningham Panel is finally in. Have a question.


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I have waited nearly 9 months for the final test in my son's Cunningham Panel and was shocked when the D2 came back in range when the other 4 were clearly out of range.

So, I am wondering what the relevance of having one normal test and 4 abnormal tests are? Does this indicate anything?

I am sort of wondering if because this test was delayed soooo long due to processing issues that maybe the result is inaccurate.

Just had doc appt on Thursday and today test result came in.

Here are all the results which confirms PANS, any thoughts?

D1 8000 (500-2,000)

D2 4000 (2,000-8,000)

Lysoganglioside (80-320)

Tubulin 4000 (250-1,000)

CaM Kinase 157 (53-130)




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Hi Kari


These are my son's results. Thought you might like to compare.


D1 4000

D2 8000

Lysogandlisode 320

Tubulin 1000

CaM Kinese II 234


Have you checked your son's strep titers lately? After this test was done, a doctor did the the Anti-DNase test B strep antibodies test and it was out of range. My son was having strep infections without showing up positive. Could Rhuematic fever or Sydenham's chorea be part of your son's condition?

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Strep titters have been done and are normal. Think this happened after 9months of IV antibiotics. No throat involvement. He is having his EBV. IgG and IgM checked this week with. A thyroid antibody showed up last month in testing.

Thanks ladies for your posts. Will have time this week to google more.

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