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Cox-2 inhibitors for inflammation

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Has anyone tried pharmaceutical (Celebrex) or herbal (ie Pain RX) COX-2 Inhibitors for overall inflammation? I started Pain RX for my achy joints, and it is helping me. So, I was wondering if it would help with PANDAS style inflammation, which I believe is mainly neuro, and brain inflammation.



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Interesting that you bring that up. I've just been wondering about the same thing. When I was having horrible TMJ and back of skull pain, Celebrex was the only thing that would help with the pain. Sadly, insurance wouldn't pay for it, but nothing else helped.


I mentioned to my husband that it was strange that Celebrex was the only pain killer that I tried that helped. He said that was the only thing that helped with his tendonitis.


I have not heard of Pain RX. Who do you get that through? I'm thinking since the Celebrex helped both me and my hubby, that it might be helpful for PANS dd.

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I have bought Pain-RX from both Amazon and E-bay. It runs about 11-15 a bottle, 90 pills in the bottle, and you can take 2 tabs up to three times a day. I take two first thing in the am, and two more if I need them later in the day. I have knee, and back pain as well as headaches (I have TMJ as well). It seems to be helping all of those for the time being.


I was taking huge amounts of IBU (4 tabs 4 times a day) which is now down to almost none. I have begun exercising and stretching again, and that both helps and hurts some.


I ran a search on the forum last night for celebrex and came up with several hits, but have not read them all yet.

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