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So I just started to take a trial of antibiotics for 14 days but I am very stressed out. I am very anxious whether or not abx will help me or not. The dr I spoke with said he is almost positive that I have PANDAS but my mom is causing more issues. First off I don't have the money to do this myself so my parents have been helping me. I give them money when I can and try to not ask for anything. But my mom is very negative to me or she tries to tell me what to do. And in the past when things like medication or other things weren't helping she would say "well what are you going to do now" and I just here that in my head daily and I have grown very distant from them and angry. every time they come around I just get really frustrated and I don't want to talk to them. But I feel very hopeless and feel that whether I take abx or not i wont be able to tell if they are helping or not because i feel my parents are contributing to the problem. sure after I beg them for help they help me financially but they don't understand that their words hurt and the are making my situation worse. I am 24, and I keep on wondering whether or not i should wait until i move out to do this but i don't know if that's possible right now. I just feel like things aren't going anywhere.

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Hi, before I say anything, I'll let you know that any advice I have to offer is born only from my limited experience with my daughter, and from following this site. There are many people on this site that are much more well versed and researched in this than I, But for what it's worth:


- the trial run of abx is great, but unfortunately a 14 day trial is probably not going to be enough. Many people don't see improvement of symptoms until 12-14 days. My daughter has been on abx since January. It wasn't until we added the 3rd abx in June that we saw huge improvement. Now, 2 months later, her pandas doc recommends still continuing abx through the fall... Time is key, she has myco p and suspected bartonella-- 14 days of abx wouldn't have done anything for her long term.


- what have you tested for? Are you positive for strep?


- I wouldn't wait to seek treatment for any illness, mental or physical, for any reason. Doing nothing is definately not going to get you anywhere!


- do you have health insurance?


- what have you tried? What are your symptoms? How long has this been going on?


- in regard to your parents, have you given them the Pandas information? If you find that they're not open to discussing it or learning about it, than I would focus your efforts on treatment and health, not trying to change them. Even the most educated people can sometimes be ignorant to new concepts or ideas that they don't understand. I find that many people don't want to take the time to understand my daughter's condition, so I've stopped trying with most of them. I'm sure it's hard to have parents that aren't listening, but you maybe you should just move on for now if you're not getting anywhere.


-educate yourself. I can't stress this enough! Read this site, read posts that don't even seem to relate to you initially-- I've picked up bits and pieces of info that were really helpful, even when the topic wasn't directly related to my daughter's condition. Read all the info on the Pandas network site, go on other sites that are linked to it. Find out everything you can, and you'll eventually find your way through this. Don't give up.... You can get better!


Best of luck to you! Stay strong ;)

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