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Well, dd is doing well.... Still eating (2 months now!) and behaviors nearly gone. Nearly. Still on full abx treatment which will continue through the fall. But, something is still off. There is something beneath the surface, something not quite right-- another piece missing from this puzzle. Mold issue? Folate??


We're doing good- not the 100% that I'm hoping for, but I'm not complaining, but the ocd is still present. She still has a LOT of hangups about different foods, still has "checking" behaviors, and other little things here and there that aren't coming immediately to mind... I would say she's 80-85%. I am not confident that we won't see a big setback in the fall with anxiety and being exposed to all the great viruses/illnesses that school will bring.


I recently posted about a folate issue we had-- I'd given dd a multivitamin (not thinking) and increased folate drops at the same time, and she had an episode the next morning... I waited a few days, have her 1 drop, and again the behaviors happened. Now I'm afraid to give her any of the drops, so I haven't.


I'd like to have her tested for mold, and learn more about it, and also about folate. I can't explain why, but I really think that one or both of these may be playing a part. Where should I begin? I don't have a whole lot of time to devote to researching these things,I wish I did. Now that dd is mostly out of the woods, I can't let pans rule my life like it was-- but I don't want to overlook these either. I really have a hunch that I may discover something helpful there!


Any guidance in this area would be appreciated! LLM? ;) also, would a naturopath be helpful with this? Or any other professional??


I hear you on needing to attend to the rest of your life, but unfortunately, there are no cliff notes on the mold and methylation topics, because you need to know your child's unique responses in order to come up with a game plan. You can start by thoroughly reading Shoemaker's website http://www.survivingmold.com and searching Better Health Guy's website on the subject of biotoxins. And this primer on methylation http://autismnti.com/images/Website-_Yasko_Education.pdf


But you need to know your DD's genetics before being able to make a plan. Guessing wasted a lot of time for me and put my kids on an unnecessary emotional rollercoaster as I played mad scientist (at the time, 23andMe was $400 per test and it was unaffordable). But now it's only $99. I'd spend the $ and do 23andMe - it got my kids from 85% to 100%. I'd also ask Dr M to do the blood test to find out your DD's HLA-DR gene status (covered by insurance). Unfortunately it needs to be run thru Lab Corp and the closest lab to us was Hamden - they're mostly in Fairfield County. But it was worth the long drive. Dr M has a good handle on mold issues. But without knowing how the body can handle toxins (which is what the HLA-DR gene test tells you). it's just a crap shoot.


Thanks LLM, I think I will pursue the 23andme testing. When i get the results, I'll be messaging you!!


Just curious, why the ride to Hamden if covered by insurance? I've been driving to New Haven for CBT regularly for months which is hour drive for me each way, so it's not a big deal! But just curious, can it not be sent out? And would this be a seperate blood draw? Dd is due for lab work soon anyway, which I really should take care of this week before school starts :( anything else I should have added in, while we're at it? Dd gets very upset about bloodwork-- I really dread taking her each time.




LabCorp is the lab that does the HLA-DR testing and they don't have any labs in CT outside of Fairfield County. So Dr M's office doesn't have an arrangement for the lab to pick up samples at his office the same way Quest and Clinical Labs do daily pick ups there. And another commercial lab isn't going to do a blood draw for a competitor and courier it to them. So you have to drive to the closest LabCorp site, which for us was Hamden but you can go to their site and see if they have other labs closer to you.


I suppose you could also have your other labs drawn while you were there, but you'd need a new lab slip specifically for LabCorp- every lab requires the doctor to order labs on that lab's order form. They don't draw if the request is on another lab's order form because they all have different codes.

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