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Any females given Lyme to husband? My husband's results.

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My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Cancer of the bone marrow in late May. I made him get tested through Igenex because he will have a bone marrow transplant in October that will require a wiping out of the immune system. I know Borrelia too well and this scares me. I've had Lyme for 31 years and married for 21.

His results are: IgM 30+. 31 IND. 41. IND. IgG 31 IND. He will not talk any more about the possibility of Lyme. Done.

Doc says should have coinfection testing done and urine test through Igenex. Says unchecked Lyme could have triggered cancer. this was during a phone consult with ILADS doc that my husband didn't know about. Husband has always shown some mild signs that he has blamed on old age being 12 years older than I am. Sometimes I see bartonella.

He grew up in the endemic Hudson Valley, NY.

Anyone with experience of both Lyme and cancer?

Anyone whose husband has been tested for Lyme?


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as a husband, I asked dr Hubbuch this question, she said that she had heard of a case but she could not substantiate it. and she is LLMD, meaning that research might not be there yet to either confirm or deny the possibility.

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