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I was under the impression that when I was really sick, I hallucinated because of psychosis. Now I'm wondering if it wasn't seizures instead. I smelled things before the visual hallucination I had. I also experienced episodes of seeing things going "in slow motion" for lack of a better word. Today I was discussing with a friend of mine who does have a history of seizures, and I asked her to explain and put in words what she experienced, and what she said just blew me away. She was able to describe in words what I have not been able to describe for years. It wasn't just seeing something go in slow motion. What she said was that it was like seeing something from an old film projector - not fluid motion, but broken - and that's EXACTLY what I experienced too! The three episodes I recall really well were once I was on the street, and there was an asian man a riding a bike. It was as if he was going in slow motion in relation to the rest of the scene in front of me, and the reason I think I had the feeling he was in slow motion is because I perceived his movements exactly as she described, as if through a projector, slow, broken, and shaky - not fluid at all. The other two episodes were in two different super markets. One was just seeing many people moving around in the same type of film-projector motion with their carts in the fruit department. My sister who was with me got frustrated being stuck in this crowd of people, and waved her arm in frustration and grabbed me to get out of the congestion, and her motion of moving her arm broke the film-projector "spell". The third, again in a supermarket, there was on old lady with a shopping cart, and she was moving in the same film-projector fashion.


I don't know if what I'm describing is a form of "derealization". Being sick, this new perception of reality seemed satanic to me and really scared me. There was something really demonic about what I was seeing, and I incorporated this into my hyperreligious themes.


I really would appreciate any input I can get on this. I never did believe I was either bipolar or schizophrenic, the two diagnoses that were offered. Please enlighten me everybody.



So my son when he was 8 years old jumped off his bed and hit his head on the tile floor. two days later he had paralysis on the left side of his face. he had a hematoma that needed to be cleared up. A blood clot that kept the signals from reaching the left side of his face. Not knowing anything I had to read up. To sum up what I read, it is that a seizure is when the signals don't get where they are suppose to and endup somewhere else. I also read that the body is pretty more resilient when your younger than older and it looks for new pathways to get where it needs to go.


So I interplate this to mean that anything that blocks the signals from getting where they need to go as a type seizure. If signals are going somewhere else, not only will the function not happen properly but they may cause other things to happen. In my sons case the blockage was a blood clot. In my DD's case we think it's Inflammation of the neru-somthings but her behavior has nothing to do with demonic anthing. It is mostly pathological.

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