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Recovered or still recovering?

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DD has come a long way since she woke up with severe TS symptoms 18 months ago. Since November last year we have seen very little in the way of tics, her anxiety has lessened and her writing and fine motor skills have started showing improvement. She is happy and social so things are great. However, speech issues and occasional intrusive thoughts still wax and wane. She is unable to pronounce "th" sound (it is said as 'L', i.e. 'ley' instead of 'they'). She also stumbles over words on occasions, mildly stuttering at the beginning of words sometimes. She would pass for Asperger's also as she is obsessed with The Lion King and lives and breathes it, drawing same pictures over and over again and talking about it non-stop. This has remained for many months. Overall she is doing great but is it possible these remaining issues may resolve with time? She is taking prophylaxis erythromycin and has been for 9 months, tolerating them well throughout (no stomach issues, thrush etc.). I also supplement daily with a good clean multivit and have tried probiotics (without streptococcus, but she didn't like them much and seemed more hyperactive with them so I stopped). She has remained well without any strep throat etc. since taking antibiotics and seems to have had developmental strides lately. Is it possible that she can get even better with time whilst remaining on the abx, or do we need to look deeper to resolve the outstanding symptoms? I suppose I am trying to fathom if this is the real her without PANDAS, and that the residual symptoms will always be there and part of her. It is hard to know what is PANDAS and what is the child.

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