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T. Anna, thats so wonderful that he is ready to do some work!! At the NIH I heard about highschoolers that missed 2 years of school, but as soon as PANDAS was under control they snapped right back into place and graduated at the top of their class. HE CAN DO IT!!


MEanwhile, after a few days of torturous homework with DS I am realizing I wouldnt survive a DAY of home schooling!! What a challenge!

Im interviewing tomorrow with a small, affordable private school nearby. They have class sizes of as little as 5-8. I was disappointed to hear that there are 12 in the third grade.


Do you all think that going from 20 students to 13 in a smaller environment with more hands on curriculum would make a difference? His behavior is sucha challenge right now that Im not even sure they would take him. They said, they dont take "behavior problems" but they do accommodate all kinds of learning problems. That made me a little nervous. But they do honor IEPs and said that every child has an individualized plan to suit their own learning style. I just dont want to have him kicked out!!

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