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Strep Q?


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My non-PANDAS DS13 tested + for strep on the rapid test. He was on Azithromycin for a week and then I re-tested him and it was clear (ish-I wasn't 100% sure). Friday night he was feeling I'll again and sure enough more strep. He has been in 500mg Azithromycin since Friday and today he came home early because if fatigue and generally not feeling well. He keeps thinking he has a fever, but nothing shows up. He fell asleep at 5:30pm and woke at 8 full of sweat (his room wasn't warm).


Any ideas?


I guess I'll have to take him in, but I figure this is the best place to ask Strep questions.


If it's positive and he's on Axithromycin for 3 days can he still have symptoms or should I ask for something else?


Thanks in advance,


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Our DS had a strep infection last Christmas and was treated with a Z-pak. That was when he first PANDAS flare was (SEVERE onset). Unfortunately, now we know that 5 days of Zithromax is not the correct treatment for strep but it does cover other infections in that way. I would definitely ask for either longer course or a different med. KEep in mind that once you are on abx that you can get false negative cultures.

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DS was positive while on Augmentin after short runs previously of and Amox, Azith and Cefdiner. After long course of Clinda (after T&A) he's been clear for over a year, so that seemed like the magic ABX to get it out of his stomach biofilm.

He never had any symptoms aside from flushing, rashes and a low grade temp which only occured at onset of acute flare.

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