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Are lumbar punctures only ordered by neuros? We have worked with a couple of PANDAS immunologists, but the mainstream neuro ordered our lumbar puncture. I need to find somebody who will specifically look for O bands. My daughter has to have another LP done in 3 months anyway. We live in Texas.




Keep in mind another neuro may not repeat the test for the reason of spinal fluid pressure. You'll want to consider that before choosing. Also. Could you ask the dr to still run the o band test? With lab work they sometimes hold onto the fluid or specimen and additional tests can be ordered after the fact. Is there another dr wou would be willing to call this one and insist?


Keep in mind another neuro may not repeat the test for the reason of spinal fluid pressure. You'll want to consider that before choosing. Also. Could you ask the dr to still run the o band test? With lab work they sometimes hold onto the fluid or specimen and additional tests can be ordered after the fact. Is there another dr wou would be willing to call this one and insist?


Great idea to see if the lab will hold onto the sample. If you can't find a doctor ASAP to call the lab, I would try calling them yourselves to ask, explaining that one of your other doctors wants to look at the sample, and that their clinic will be contacting them ASAP with a lab order. (They'll probably like that -- it's more money for them anyway!)


Probably any doc can help with this -- even a PCP, if they're willing.

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