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my 13 yo son is 5 weeks post IVIG. On the day before going to the IVIG treatment his tics just exploaded, but I assumed it was the stress because of the going to the hospital the next day. So he got HD IVIG; and his tics were present all the time.His ASO was meassured when we arrived to the hospital and it was 69.

The tics have continued, didn't improved at all. So, I tought maybe there's something going on. few days ago I decided to check his ASO titers and they are 250 again. he had t&A removed this summer) . So, in this after IVIG month they have increased. he is on HD abx (augmentin 2x 1ooo mg for the last 3 month).


His tics are bad, vocal and motor.


So, what now? is our IVIG ruined by a strep infektion that appear on the same day as we went to the hospital? Could this be possible? because the increase started right before IVIG?


Do I need to change abx? What do we do? I'm desperate..

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