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got dd9's 23andMe results finally. she is not progressing from her 80% and I want to seek your advice what you would do with this particular combination of mutations. I know the basic Yasko's advice, start with CBS and address other mutations as you go. I want to see what worked for your kids for particular mutations and their combinations assuming they have the same or similar.

thanks in advance,

COMT V158M rs4680 AA +/+

COMT H62H rs4633 TT +/+

VDR Bsm rs1544410 CT +/-

VDR Taq rs731236 AG +/-

MAO-A R297R rs6323 TT +/+

MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AG +/-

MTHFR A1298C rs1801131 GT +/-

MTR A2756G rs1805087 AG +/-

MTRR A66G rs1801394 AG +/-

MTRR A664A rs1802059 AG +/-

BHMT-02 rs567754 CT +/-

BHMT-04 rs617219 AC +/-

BHMT-08 rs651852 TT +/+

CBS C699T rs234706 AG +/-

CBS A360A rs1801181 AG +/-

Edited by pr40

Holy cow - it's like you got 4 Aces in that poker hand! I've never seen anyone have so many mutations that all effect neurotransmitters. Your DD must have awful mood and anxiety issues.


I have some obligations to take care of and am about to get offline, but my advice is to take this document http://www.heartfixer.com/AMRI-Nutrigenomics.htm and copy it into a word document. Then delete the sections that don't pertain to you, including the recipes et al at the back. Then go thru it all and bold things that are important - what to add, what to avoid. When you get to the section about COMT and VDR Taq, go thru it a few times, then come back to it later, js to make sure you come to the same conclusions the second time. Often, it takes more than once before getting this part straight in your head.


Then on a separate piece of paper, write down the things you're "supposed to" supplement and the things you're supposed to avoid. Do a sanity check. I wasn't about to add all the supps they suggest for CBS, especially Yucca, which can increase estrogen. I didn't add carntine b/c it's contraindicated for those with seizures and my DD has had febrile seizures. No way was my DD giving up ice cream. So you need to research each thing as it pertains to your situation. Then come up with a workable plan of what you're going to add or avoid.


My personal experience has been to address things in this order:






You may find you're better with hydroxyB12 rather than methylB12 due to her other mutations. You may find niacin (B3) is a helpful thing to have on hand as you go thru all this. it's tricky as you do trial and error dosing and layering and inevitably, you screw up. I bought empty gel caps and put approx 50mg of niacin into each one. I keep them in the cabinet and when a sudden storm blows in, I make DD take one and within the hour, she's calmer. I then make adjustments to tomorrow's doses of methyl groups.


If you are using NAC, curcumin, milk thistle or quercetin, consider stopping these as you address CBS. Curcumin/Enhansa could be especially problematic because it's high sulfur (bad for CBS) and it's an MAO inhibitor, which is the last thing your DD needs, as MAO-A +/+ means her MAO degradation of neurotransmitters is already naturally inhibited. You'll also want to avoid cough medicines are anti-depressants that are MAO-I's. Copper helps upregulate MAO, so you may want to have her zinc/copper ratios checked and if needed, make sure she supplements with 2mg copper daily.


For MTHFR, I highly recommend starting with Yasko's liquid methylmate B http://www.holisticheal.com/methylmate-b-nutritional-supplement.html because you can titer up in small 67mcg doses. Once you settle on the right dose, you can look for a pill or a form that also combines a B12. But to start, I'd recommend separate supps for methylfolate and hydroxy or adenoB12 so you can tweak each one.


It doesn't always go smoothly. There's a learning curve and every body is different. But what's fascinating is how quickly you can see changes happen - good and bad. if you screw up, its not weeks of suffering. Feel free to PM if you have specific questions. I have all of these mutations in my family, just not all of them in one person. So I can't tell you exactly what you should try, but I may be able to share my mistakes.


thanks, LLM. i was in the midst of doing my http://www.heartfixer.com/AMRI-Nutrigenomics.htm homework when I made my post. as you say, dd has all the bad mutations and I have hard time figuring out how they all work together. what one needs may be bad for another and vice versa. In a strange way, actually, some of her mutations may help deal with others like COMT and CBS.

DS has the same, unfortunately.

Behavior is a rollercoster, they go from one end to the other quite quickly. in one of the posts, you described your dd's getting ready and reaching paralysis when you remind her that she has only 10 minutes to the bus time, the same here. she has a lot of self-soothing behavior.

your opinions are much appreciated. I may have a specific question a bit later, when I reach that stage of detail. SO far it is just one big mess.

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