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Summer flares

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I haven't listened to any of the Sumer flares radio talks, but what is the meaning of calling it that? My child's flare began in April with obvious changes, but stuff really hit the fan early June. Is this typical w pandas kids...that they can sort of hold it together before all H breaks loose?

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Not sure what you mean exactly, but if you are asking:

That they can sort of hold it together before all heck breaks loose?


Yes, my dd8 holds it together ALL day long in school, and when she is not doing well (or flare)

literally, as soon as I pick her up from her class and put her in my car,

all heck breaks loose. I've even dosed ibuprofen in the car.

She has never had an episode at school, never a vocal tic (we've never had other tics), never talked back at school, etc.

But I could tell you some after school and in the car stories.

I have a van, and changed the seating so she sits in a different row than her sister.

We wake up early here, and actually do homework in the mornings before school starts.

After school I feed her right away, let her do her thing.

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Yes my son did this too when school was in session. Was so angry every day after school, I kep thinking something surely was going wrong during the day. So he got worse when I picked him up. But then everything hit a level 10 once school was out for the summer.

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