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Very mean on Abx. What can I add?

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Is the meanness a new symptom? Can you trace the start of it to any change you made in her regimen? What does her doctor say about this?


Just off the top of my head, I noticed you aren't giving anything for detox, so it could be a build-up of toxins. Also, could it be yeast? Have you had her tested for this?

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I would guess its herxing/detox issues. DS's doc recommends lots of water with lemon, burbur, sublingual glutathione. I would keep giving and work on the detox. Burbur is only available from Nutramedix. I ordered it online and I've used it on DS. I've also used sublingual glutathione.

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Remind me what her age and weight is again? That seems like a low dose of lamictal to me. Lamictal was a life saver for us when my daughter was in the initial stages and we were trying to get the antibiotics started and waiting for them to kick in. My daughter is still taking it but we have decreased the dose from what she was taking two years ago. I would look at increasing the Lamictal if possible. It can easily be decreased later and works very well for anger / rage / mood.



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Given your child's symptoms, I amt surprised with what you give and how short the list is. perhaps I just don't know the drugs you are using.

But no magnesium, no b12, no zinc? Have you tried those?

How about a diet?

NAC might be considered as well if it does not interfere with psych meds.

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For some odd reason, my child can not take large doses of ANYTHING! If they could figure out why, perhaps they could find out what else is wrong with her :0(

Doctors never beleived it when I told them what happens to her when I go up slightly on meds. They have me keep pushing, because they tell me that the medications that she is on, are not designed to make a kid violent. Well, I video tapes over and over what happens and now ALL of her doctors agree, that she can not handle large doses. I pray I will find out WHY when I go to NYU, and see genetisist, and hopefully Dr. N.

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