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heartburn and antibiotics

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Doc wants to put my daughter on Prilosec or the like due to long term antibiotic use. She ASSUMES daughter's stomach sickness is due to the abx. She isn't listening very well, as we've told her that daughter also has extreme fatigue along with the nausea, and one vomiting episode that ended up in dry heaves.

I actually think my daughter is SICK, but I was curious if any of you who have kids on long term abx have had issues with heartburn?

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yes, DS almost 7 has been on abx daily since 9/2010 and over the last 2 years, Augmentin and Azith daily. We give a probiotic daily, as I am sure you must. However, he has heartburn as well. One thing that your doc should be doing if he/she is concerned about stomach issues d/t abx, is tst for Yeast overgrowth. Candida is easy to do - just a blood test. You can also get a test for yeast called OAT (I think). When my son has heartburn he takes Tums. You may also want to check the interactions of Prilosec. I am on it and my understanding is that it negates magnesium absorption. Interestingly, the combo of Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin and Prilosec is used to treat H. Pylori, from what I have read. So maybe it will have a + effect for her?

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for dd, heartburn, stomach ache, nausea all came as symptoms of PANDAS before abx. then, after we started abx, they would reoccur here and there until we went gluten and casein free. they haven't been back since.

before that we also used pepcid

gut is a very important part of PANDAS.

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My daughter had heartburn, stomach aches, fatigue and severe fear of vomiting (and thinking she was going to vomit) as her major pandas symptoms. It ALL cleared up with aggressive and appropriate PANDAS treatment. Sometimes ocd/anxiety can appear to be physical- but can really be anxiety based. I am all in favor of ruling out illness- we did- but in the absence of positive testing on any other illness or disorder, I would feel comfortable treating these as pandas symptoms, and seeing if the pandas treatment takes care of it all.

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Thank you all for the input! Many things to consider...


dcmom - that is amazing that her symptoms cleared. I've really felt like if we could figure out the appropriate treatment, we could get her back. Just can't quite figure out that "right" treatment. What was most affective for your child?


Since the stomach problems, fatigue and headaches have all occurred recently, (and she's had other PANDAS/PANS symptoms for many years), I'm guessing she's got something in addition to her regular PANDAS/PANS problems. I've talked the doc into trying 5 days of azith, so we'll see what happens with that. (She herxed on it once before, so I think it was targeting something.) Then I think we'll start working more on the gut, and hopefully we'll have Yasko bloodwork back before too long, and take it from there. THEN, and maybe then, I can try and help my son. (Never ending, it seems...)


Thank you all again!

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