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for the record -- side effects of Lariam drug similar to PANDAS sympto

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this is just for the record that side effects of an anti-malaria drug called Lariam may have side effects that are very similar to PANDAS/PANS symptoms.

Apparently, Lariam has this effect only to some people who take it and they can last for decades or even become permanent. Lariam was widely prescribed to USA military.


the side effects of Lariam were a subject of op-ed this morning in NYT



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Yes, it is true that Lariam can be very dangerous. However, it is also highly effective, which is why it is prescribed by some doctors. My daughter was on one month of it at the tail end of her 3 year treatment which included 7 months of IV abx and 2 years of mepron/malarone. Although the last 2 weeks of that month were very scary, about a week after conclusion, all of her symptoms were gone. She has been OCD free and off all antibiotics for 3 months now. Life is normal again, finally. So personally I feel, under a doctor's close supervision, it can be a life-saving drug. But again, very close supervision is needed by both the parents and doctor.

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I agree with Laure...


Larium can produce one of the most dynamic responses 'possible herx' but once through those symptoms there can be tremendous recovery. It is also working extremely well for my friend and her PANS son who both have Babesia. I intend to start Larium myself in the next month or two. We work with an LLMD that has treated many patients with this particular anti-malarial and you truly need someone experienced in possibly psychiatric symptoms that can occur. Our Dr. pulses 3 days on 7 days off and the third cycle is typically the toughest.


I would not take it daily and I would not do this particular antimalarial until Merpron or Melorone have been tried first for a long period to bring overall load down. I have been on both anti-malaria's fairly consistently for over 2 years so my load from Babesia is down. I have two symptoms currently that are predominantly Babesis oriented. Headaches at base of head and thigh pain. Both symptoms have cropped up since stopping Melorone 8 weeks ago.

Edited by SF Mom
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