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I'm now convinced my DS (23) constant loud laughing is caused by yeast and want to do everything possible to get rid of it but being on abx its nearly impossible.


I've been researching and have found other Mom's talking about this with their kids, albeit, much younger, on different forums: one being an autism site.


I read on this site not to give any probiotic containing Streptococcus?


I have been giving my DS (23) VSL#3, 2 packets daily (900 total) that does contains this and his strep titers are very high even though no symptoms so I've been looking for something else that doesn't contain Streptococcus, yes?


Also read about a product called Enzymedica Candidase that is supposed to help with the die off symptoms, anyone know about this?


Did test positive in 2012 for Candida but it was IGg. Asked doc but he's just not sure so we are not really addressing it. Again, DS doesn't talk so can't ask how he's feeling.


No white on tongue and not really sure what to look for in BM's. Doc did give 10 days of Difflucan and no change in DS so they figure no yeast. But I read that 10 days might not be long enough if bad case of yeast....was going to ask for 30 days and then see if any change, any thoughts?


Also any suggestions are extremely welcomed.



His mom



dr b told us that streptococcus in probiotic is not harmful to PANDAS/pans children. I think the reasons is something like this, this strep goes into the stomach which is a specific environment closed off from the rest of the body (except for leaky gut), there are several strands of strep, there is strep in the body normally, infection and response happen only under certain circumstances.


I think the strep strain in probiotics and yogurt (Strep Therm,) is extremely individual, and I am convinced it does indeed set my dd off, through many trial and error with yogurt (it is not the dairy).

I would try the 30 day Diflucan, and switch probiotics- JMO, and seems to be what your intuition is telling you.

Custom Probiotics brand carries excellent probiotics without the strep strain, and Klaire.


Our doc said that although that strain of strep is non pathogenic he advised us against using any probiotic that has it because our son has had horrible intestinal problems and leaky gut in the past. He is also restricted from any dairy products for the same train and does much better without it. When he was younger his intestine bled from dairy so this is a no brained for us. But most people with a healthy gut will not have a problem with it.

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