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Starting the simplified methylation protocol for my son, wish us luck&

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Spent $300 on the Health Diagnostics and Research Institute to discover what I already knew, but wanted it on paper to make sure we weren't just throwing supps at him. His methylation system doesn't work. The test is very specific as it shows each step that is or is not blocked. With the lyme/bart he has had severe chronic fatigue. His body has recovered by itself in the past but now I think it needs a jump and some help. Hoping this helps him. Kathy

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I wish you luck. We are working on that as well. Hard to afford all the supplements. I have chosen what I believe to be the most important based on our SNP's but still can't get them all. Detox can be a problem if you go too fast. Hope you get good results.



Edited by Dedee
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