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Yeast - how much Diflucan? What else?

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The Diflucan is dosed according to weight/prescription.

I happen to love Diflucan, and took 150 mg a day, and weigh about 100 pounds.

Make sure you have liver support on board (like milk thistle)

Nystatin never did anything for me, personally.

High count, quality probiotics need to be added (given at least 3 hours from Diflucan)

Diet is key: Can't expect the yeast/fungi infection to get better or stay gone if sugar items/high carbs are still being eaten regulary.

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Older DS is on 150 m.g. and he is 70 pounds. 5 days on, followed by 9 days HD nystatin that is compounded.


Here are some additional things for yeast:


Homeopathic: CANDIDATE - We used it with Nystatin.


Herbals: Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf Extract, Garlic


There are other much stronger prescription forms for treatment that are typically pulsed but I don't remember any off the top of my head and have never used them.


The following is something I'd like to try once done with current protocol.




A depletion in Iodine can contribute to yeast and fungus overgrowth. You can rub Lugol's iodine on under part of arm 2" x 2" patch. If it absorbs into skin in less than 24 hours there is most likely a deficiency. If it absorbs in less than 12 hours much greater deficiency.

Edited by SF Mom
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