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I am perplexed. Can anyone give me their thoughts on this? My 7 year old had an active strep infection and he began in Keflex 2 weeks ago. About a week into treatment he had an embedded tick with nasty rash so we switched him to Ceftin. We truly see an enormous improvement if OCD, anxiety and quirky behavior. He is left with hyper activity and some obsessive thoughts but over all greatly improved.


After two weeks of treatment and great resolution in his PANDAS symptoms he is now complaining of a bad sure throat and his glands are still somewhat swollen. What should we do? Culture him again? Switch antibiotics? Could it still be active after 2 weeks if 500mg 2x a day?


Any thoughts would be appreciated. Still do not have a PANDAS dr yet but trying to coordinate the trip out of state.


I would get him swabbed again. My son often has trouble clearing strep entirely. And we've tested positive even on mega doses of abx. Most recently - on 500 mg Augmentin 2x per day and 250 mg Azith 1x per day (he's 5 and only 36 lbs.) So it is possible the strep is still hanging about.


We always retest after abx to see if the strep cleared or not. I had to argue with the doc the first time about this, but after she tested positive the second time, now they insist she be retested. Ultimately, she had strep for almost 60 days, despite constant abx, that first time around, but had no symptoms.


Are you in a deer tick area where lyme is a concern? If so, are they treated to prevent lyme infection?


I'm not sure I understand what you mean by are they treated to prevent Lyme. He is on Ceftin since he had a tick bite last weekend so yes, we are treating to prevent Lyme. But did you mean prevent Lyme on an ongoing basis?


Is two weeks long enough to wait to reswab or should be be considering a change in antibiotic?


I'm not sure I understand what you mean by are they treated to prevent Lyme. He is on Ceftin since he had a tick bite last weekend so yes, we are treating to prevent Lyme. But did you mean prevent Lyme on an ongoing basis?


Is two weeks long enough to wait to reswab or should be be considering a change in antibiotic?


If my kiddo got a ten day supply of abx for strep, I have her retested on the 11 day. Not sure about the changing abx. I know we changed around a bit in the first 30days, but she only cleared the strep after 40 days straight of zithromax.


As long as they keep them on ceftin for several weeks, that is one of the appropriate abx for post bite treatment.




retest of course. but remember also that you can have sore through from, say, pollen and many other things. the glands are perhaps more indicative but then they may not have yet gone down.


The rapid came back negative. We didn't take a culture because the lab was already closed for the day so we are going back in Monday morning for a swab and follow up. Now his voice is getting hoarse which is making me think reflux. Anyone hear of reflux from taking Ceftin? He's also taking probiotics.


My daughter needs to stay on zithromax daily or she continues to get strep. She had strep 6 times last year until she went back on daily 500 mg of zith. I don't know what we are going to do long term about that. But she has congenital lyme too and we go see another LLMD next week. I continue to hope that taking care of the lyme will help her with her strep issue or maybe this new doc can help us with both issues and finally clearing her strep and/or her sensitivity to getting the strep infection.


My dd never has a positive rapid but the culture will grow. She also has a sore throat a lot of the time, possibly from allergies and lyme symptoms too.



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