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Mom's Lyme Results

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I know this looks positive, but doxy stopped working. I am looking into other things going on. I believe it says that this test could be a false positive too.




18 kDa

** 23-25 kDa

28 kDa

30 kDa

** 31 kDa +

** 34 kDa IND

** 39 kDa

** 41 kDa ++

45 kDa

58 kDa

66 kDa

**83-93 kDa



18 kDa

** 23-25 kDa +

28 kDa

30 kDa

** 31 kDa IND

** 34 kDa

** 39 kDa

** 41 kDa +++

45 kDa

58 kDa +

66 kDa

** 83-93 kDa +




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You have to do what you feel is best.

No- one from the Internet can really tell you if you or your daughter 'really' have Lyme and/ or co- infections.

Doxycycline curing Lyme disease alone happens if you are lucky enough to catch the tick bite/ infection within days and then start taking it. Otherwise, the spirochetes multiple and burrow into tissue and organs. The spirochete bacteria can morph into 3 different life forms, which is why after time passes from infection, 1 type of antibiotic alone won't kill it.

If you feel you have no more symptoms left, or for other reasons you want to stop treating, that is fine. I get it.

I stopped all Lyme and Bartonella treatment after 18 months- but, I feel I did a very thorough job, the best I could-

with 2 LLMD's, major antibiotic and herb combinations. Among other things.

Treatment is extremely difficult to go through.

I am left with a few 'issues', but have had improvement, and am doing okay.

If you feel a burning desire to try and 'know for sure', you could do the Advanced Lyme test,

and if positive, you will get a big colored picture of spirochetes found in your blood.

I really understand how hard it can be to believe- I myself have no memory of any tick bite.

Guess I was 'lucky' to get a positive PCR blood test from Igenex, and a high positive Bartonella test as well.

Good luck in your decision.

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I will just give my opinion....Rarely does one antibiotic cure Lyme. Most often it takes a combination of antibiotics and then after a period of time (usually 6 months), switching that combination to something different. Lyme is not a quick fix or a simple fix but your daughter can get better. If you feel like your daughter is well and no longer needs treatment or if you truly don't believe it's lyme that is your decision as her parent but please understand how lyme treatment works before you give up on it.



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FWIW it sounds to me like you are not comfortable with your treating doctor, in which case it bears evaluating options. My experience has been with Lyme that treatment is more of an art than a science, and that the testing can be used to support a clinical assessment of Lyme symptoms but should not be used in a vacuum to rule Lyme in or out. That is why I put the post up with more background on the test. My niece for example who has had PANDAS for years and cannot get well was told her Lyme test was "negative". She has lots of symptoms of Lyme and PANDAS along with super high ASO. When I got the copy of the test, I saw she had band 93 show up IND. Band 93 is one of those bands that essentially has 100% correlation with Lyme. Sadly she wasted a year of treatment because of the way the test was interpreted. I completely agree that no one can diagnose you or child on the internet, just share personal experiences and what the research has been shared.

In our case I have found the need to switch antibiotics after some time. My DD had a great response to Augmentin/Biaxin and then the symptoms started to creep back so we switched course. It's been very hard for me to accept that after over a year of treatment my DD still has symptoms. Because of everything I have learned about the tests, I have not retested my DD with chronic Lyme nor do I plan to any time soon, I am strictly going by symptoms. Both my kids have tested "CDC positive" but again after everything I have learned, the specific bands hold greater importance along with the symptoms. For the case of my younger daughter who has an active infection and in whose case I did see the rash, I believe the test may be mildly helpful.

Strictly my own opinion is that some people are able to fight Lyme and some aren't. Looking back I had many symptoms after going sleep away camp - headaches, knee pain and severe depression, eventually and I guess with various antibiotics over the years the symptoms dissipated. I even had chronic strep as a child always testing positive, I remember my pediatrician telling me you are one of those people that always have strep in their throat. Now my ASO is normal. What is important is to recognize the symptoms and a possible cause. Good luck with what you decide, there are no easy or clear cut answers or treatments.

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