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Lyme and steroids

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My husband was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, Bartonella, Anaplasmosis, and Bartonella in the Fall of 2011. He was treated for 4 months with various oral antibiotics, but stopped taking them while still symptomatic. He believes he is completely cured, though his LLMD said his treatment should continue 2 months past symptoms. He still has syptoms but is in denial that they are caused by TBI.


Now he has a raging case of poison oak and was prescribed oral and topical steroids. We have recently moved to another state (NY) and his primary care doctor is not Lyme Literate. He has no LLMD. I'm concerned about the use of steroids because of "Lyme Steroid Disaster." I believe the steroid use could kick up the Lyme/TBI. I'm also concerned about yeast overgrowth with steroid use, especially after so much antibiotic use (and his "standard American diet").


Any thoughts or suggestions on:


- Natural remedies for very bad poison oak

- LLMD's in NY (Long Island or NYC), PM me please

- The use of steroids with Lyme/TBI


Thank you!

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