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I am thinking it's time to switch it up from the Zith/Rifampin combo. Dd has not been on Cedfinir yet and per drugs.com it seems ok with Rifampin. Anyone try this combo? I don't hear it mentioned very frequently. I am hoping to have this kid off abx by the end of the summer. My goal of doing this in June is not going to happen. I've started using Samento and just received Banderol to try to wean off abx and stick with naturals. I haven't figured out yet how to manage Strep in September if I am successful in getting her off abx but I supposed I can just treat flares/exposures, will cross that bridge when we come to it.


We did cefdinir and then replaced it with rifampin. Didn't do both at the same time. Cefdinir produced a wicked herx for DS but it was only 8 months into treatment, so he wasn't in the place you're at now. It crosses the BBB and can be very effective. I think one reason the two aren't used together is that generally, the LLMDs try to use one extracellular and one intracellular abx as a combo and both rifampin and cefdinir are extracellular.


We used cefdiner with minocin and it worked very well. After several months on it our llmd switched us to another combo because my dd had been on minocin for a long time and she wanted to try the septra / amoxicillin combo. Whew was that a bust. Come to find out my daughter doesn't do well with septra and after a couple months of total h*** I finally stopped the septra. Now we are just on the amoxicillin. Trying to get dose titrated up slowly to avoid too much herx then when she is where she needs to be with that the llmd is going to add in a second antibiotic. Not sure yet what it will be. I really wish we could just go back to the cefdiner / minocin combo. That was my favorite so far. But then, we haven't tried it all yet. Good luck. Let us know how it works out. Always interested to hear others experiences.




Thanks all. Based on the extracellular issue, it sounds like I may need to save Cefdinir for when we finish Rifampin, I would definitely like to try for DD9 as everyone seems to have very good results. My 3 yo is on Cefdinir/ZIth - I really hope it has done the trick for her, I'm planning to take her off when we see Dr. J. next week,

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