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Posted (edited)

Our LLMD had us do some basic labs just to look at liver functions and so forth since my daughter has been on antibiotics for two years now. We also did Myco titers again since she has been IgG and IgM positive for two years. We are also treating lyme. Got her labs back yesterday and everything looked good. For the first time in two years her Myco p IgM titers were negative. Her IgG titers are still pretty elevated but lower than they were last time we checked. So it looks like we are headed in the right direction. Of course we have no idea where we are in terms of lyme. We haven't checked anything since the last time we paid out mega bucks for the Igenex test a year ago.


What is discouraging is that we still have so many ups and downs in her moods. She had a virus a couple of weeks ago and we also started a new antibiotic combination a few weeks back. We are having to go super slow on the new antibiotic combination. Starting out on only half the dose prescribed with the first antibiotic for like two weeks then move to adding half of the second antibiotic prescribed. Each time we increase the dose we get a terrible herx reaction and we have to wait at least a week to let things calm down before going up again. When we do increase we only increase the dose once a day and then wait again for things to calm again before increasing it for the second dose of the day. OMG, it takes sooo long to even try to get where she needs to be and she has a terrible herx like every other week. This is killing me. She is constantly complaining that she is tired and doesn't feel good. I try to get her to drink lemon water (or any water for that matter). We work on the epson salt baths most every night. She takes so many supplements that it's a battle just to get everything down her. She is constipated constantly regardless of all the magnesium and vit c that I give her. I try to keep her detoxed with ALA, & milk thistle. I don't know what else I can do. I am so tired of the drama and emotional roller coaster with this child. I need to see some good times again. Help!



Edited by Dedee

I feel for you. When DS was in the midst of it all, it seemed every few weeks we were dealing with some reaction or another. It felt surreal - horrible and exhausting and surreal. All I can tell you is we're in the home stretch - it does end at some point.


On the constipation - you can try psyllium husk - it's a capsule that has fiber - it draws water into the colon. We all take 1/day. 2 if things aren't moving well. The other thing you can put on your "things to talk to LLMD about" - when it's time for the next blood draw, ask for his thoughts on checking TSH, T3 and T4. My DD has the same complaints about fatigue and not feeling well, tho she doesn't have lyme. Thanks to people here, I've been looking into thyroid. DDs TSH has been elevated twice now. So tomorrow I'll take her for a urine test to check for iodide and selenium deficiencies. Selenium deficiency is also implicated in chronic viruses http://drlwilson.com/Articles/SELENIUM2.htm. So just tack it on to your list of things to consider. It can also be tested with a blood draw but I'd much rather have my hand pee'd on than deal with the screaming and drama that comes with blood draws.


Hang in there. It is so exhausting. But at least you're seeing signs of improvement!!!


Thanks LLM. I appreciate your support. I am just so weary. She is back to her old ways of fighting about medicine. Took her an hour last night to get her medicine down. I had a talk with her about how I thought her OCD was trying to boss her around and she agreed but she said it was just too hard right now. She did a little better this morning fighting OCD but still her mood is so irritable and she cries at the drop of a hat. I just know there is more to this whole picture than just the infectious piece. Can't wait to get her 23andme results back. That isn't going to happen anytime soon though so no need holding my breath over that. They just recieved her sample this week. In the mean time, I'm just working on keeping things steady and a progressive detox plan. I ordered some burbur. Think that may be the only thing we haven't tried. Now trying to get it in her without her knowing it is going to be interesting. If she knows there is a liquid anything in her drink, it's over. Hmm, my next challange.....




. Now trying to get it in her without her knowing it is going to be interesting. If she knows there is a liquid anything in her drink, it's over. Hmm, my next challange.....





do any of the supps/meds you are using come in a spray?

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