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Medical History website (free so far)

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I recently had to fill out my daughter's medical history on a website for her T & A so the nurses could review it. I was initially not thrilled with the information being on the web, but I have thought about it a lot now, and went ahead and filled out the one for personal use as well. My hubby is not very medically literate and one of my big fears is that should something happen to me, he would struggle to pull all of kiddos medical records and important information together in an already stressful time, that would not be an ideal situation. I have a book labeled important information for kiddo, but it is not as inclusive as this site is. I have grown to like this web medical records idea as I can update it and have it all in one place. It is easy to print out to take to new docs appts also. If I forget to bring this to an appt, I can use the web to access it and they can print out in their office as well.


Here is the website: https://www.onemedicalpassport.com/lobby/lobby.asp


I went ahead and filled it out, then copy and pasted it into a text document so I can update it and have it without web access as well. It was not a smooth transition from web to text doc, but with a little tweaking it came out just fine.

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