KaraM Posted March 1, 2013 Report Posted March 1, 2013 I have not even had a chance to read this, but wanted to let everyone know this long awaited report has been released. PANEL: EXPLORE INSURANCE, EDUCATION, HUNTING CHANGES TO TACKLE LYME By Colleen Quinn STATE HOUSE NEWS SERVICE STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, FEB. 28, 2013…..Lyme disease is a much bigger problem than reported cases indicate, necessitating a statewide public education blitz to prevent transmission, along with more awareness in the medical community and mandatory insurance coverage, according to members of a special commission charged with investigating incidences of the tick-borne disease. The Department of Public Health (DPH) receives 12,000 to 14,000 positive reports annually, but the commission believes the number is “grossly underreported,” said Rep. David Linsky (D-Natick) who chaired the 21-member panel that worked for more than a year and released its 35-page report Thursday. The report says sufficient clinical information is obtained to classify about 2,000 to 4,000 confirmed cases and up to 1,000 probable cases, buy says DPH estimates a five- to tenfold underreporting for Lyme. Physicians do not report every case of Lyme Disease they identify. “We need to let people know just how prevalent Lyme disease is in Massachusetts. This affects so many families,” Linsky said. State funding for advertising should be provided to the Department of Public Health for education campaigns, money Linsky said he will push for during the upcoming budget debate. He said he did not know say how much money is necessary, but added DPH could not take on any new responsibilities without additional funding. School districts also need to become aware of ways to reduce risks and protect children on playgrounds, commission members said. Lyme is a bacteria spread by the bite of a blacklegged tick. There may be a “bull’s eye” rash, a red spot at the site of the bite. Early symptoms are similar to flu with body aches, chills, fever, headache, muscle pain and stiff neck. The report called on the state pesticide bureau to look into spraying to control ticks and to explore whether to require each mosquito control district to expand their work to include tick control measures. The commission also recommended exploring expanded crossbow hunting and changes in archery safety zones with an eye towards controlling the deer population, carriers of Lyme-transmitting ticks. The commission also recommended the Department of Conservation and Recreation find options to reduce tick habitats. Doctors also need education on the three stages of Lyme disease, along with current treatment options, commission members said. In addition to calling for mandatory insurance coverage, the report recommends spreading the word in the medical community that guidelines Lyme treatment are based on limited data, that recommendations regarding antibiotic treatment of patients with persisting or relapsing symptoms are based primarily on the results of one clinical trial, and reminding physicians of a law that protects doctors from facing disciplinary action should they choose to diagnose and treat according to clinical criteria. When it isn’t recognized right away the disease becomes more serious. Improved laboratory diagnostic methods are also necessary, according to the commission’s findings. Once thought of as a disease primarily on the Cape and Islands and in rural areas, Lyme disease now affects people in every city and town in Massachusetts, Linsky said. Full report: http://www.malegislature.gov/Content/Documents/Committees/H46/LymeDiseaseCommissionFinalReport-2013-02-28.pdf END 02/28/2013 Serving the working press since 1910 http://www.statehousenews.com
Hopeny Posted March 1, 2013 Report Posted March 1, 2013 The winds of change are blowing, Virgina first and now MA. I really applaud that they are also looking at upstream solutions to eradicate ticks. I don't want any other mother or child to ever go through this suffering so needlessly!
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