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DS 14.5 just had an IVIG 10 days ago, and while we see progress it is very very slow. It may have to do with the severity of the flare (he was really not functioning).


His triggers were diagnosed in November as Mycoplasma, Cox Sackie and Strep. In January we were dealing more with Strep and Cox Sackie (Myco went down). He is currently on, Azith and Doxycycline, but maybe we should try something else...instead of Doxy. I want to stay on Azith.


What abx (or combo) worked for your child(ren)?


What are main triggers?


Thanks in advance,



DS14.5 has so far been on the following:

Augmentin - 10 days

Biaxin - 20 days (10 days about 2 weeks apart)

Valtrex - 20 days (10 days about 2 weeks apart)

Clindomycin - 20 days

Rifampin - 8 days (at the end of each 10 day dose of Clindomycin)



Azithromycin - 15 days

Doxycycline - 26 days


Wondering if we should try Augmentin again since we didn't give it a very long time. or Cefdinir that some people seem to be successful taking.





Coxsackies is a virus, so if you havent' seen titers go down, I'd say the past treatment wasn't sufficient and could be contributing to your issues. L-lysine is my go-to antiviral. It's OTC. It doesn't work for every virus, but it's helped my DD overcome EBV and HHV and recurring cold sores.


You may also need to give the IVIG more time. Many people report having to wait many weeks to see progress.


My suggestion would to leave everything as-is for at least 4 weeks post-IVIG, maybe 6. Otherwise, you'll never have a good feel for whether it helped and if you're faced with having to decide on a 2nd IVIG, you won't have an uncomplicated recovery to look back on. Once you feel you're going to see all there is to see improvement wise, then I might try l-lysine for 2 weeks or a month of an antiviral and then discuss different abx options. JMHO




LLM, thank you, I sometimes get cold sores so I will pick up some L-Lysine.


I know I need to be patient. Sometimes it's just really hard. He's making progress, but there is still such a determined Avoidance of OCD.


Thanks again,


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