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my ds has had many issues with viruses. we treat with homeopathy - he's in a very good place of health. however, he still seems susceptible to transient issues -- many are latent viruses that will always be in his system that seem to reemerge periodically to cause trouble. last summer, we added another integrative doc working on more of a 'bolstering the system' type of approach. so -- we have one integrative MD who works as our sort of infectious disease doc and another that acts as our strengthening the system doc. i'm happy with this approach and have seen good results.


i'm still feeling we're in a 'takes a lot of time' realm on a path to full health - and we've seen good results and are still in a good place. but, i'm always aware of needing to have plan B, C, and D ready if needed. So, I'm curious ----- what are those with HHV-6 issues using to treat?




As you may remember, we had a very high viral load with several stains of Coxsackies, HHV6, etc. We've used an ongoing rotation of anti-virals throughout the last 2 1/2 years and titers were still elevated a year ago (all herbal remedies). However, we recently retested viruses in the fall and everything is sub-negative except for one strain of Coxsackies that is only slightly positive. The only thing I think we did differently in the last year for viruses was build up to a high level of MSM (2,000 m.g. per day for child) which is suppose to be a good anti-viral especially for retro-viruses and great for oxidative stress. I am not sure if that is what specifically helped but its worth a try. We had an immediate positive response (minus herx) when starting MSM that might point more towards oxidative stress. We have recently given the MSM a break as we focus on heavy metals treatment with potentially DMSA. Some believe MSM can also move heavy metals. One thing I learned recently from both LLMD and pediatrician is viruses bind to heavy metals. We now know we have a heavy metals issue and will readdress viruses while chelating and fully expect our titer levels to change.


I am not sure if you have checked for heavy metals but that might also be something to consider since you are having difficulties with viruses.


interesting SFmom -- he does have issues with high copper -- really more of an inappropriate zinc/copper ratio. is copper considered a 'heavy metal'? i believe it is ??

we have been supplementing with zinc and seen good results -- i wonder if this could be a reason for the return of trouble with HHV-6.





FWIW - l-lysine is my go-to antiviral. Helps DDs canker sores and cold sores. Hope you find answers - keep us posted.


I give 500mg once a day in the morning for a week or two - until the sores or illness symptoms disappear plus a few days for good measure. DD8 is 53lbs. When you google, you can find recommendations for 2-3 doses per day of 500mg per dose - for an adult. But I stick with one/day due to her size and the fact that she's so prone to mood issues. Lysine can eventually have a side effect of increased anxiety and GI upset. I don't see it at the one/day 500mg dose but I've always got my antenna up - don't want to wait until after she flips out to realize I gave too much or for too long. So I probably under-treat, which probably isn't good either. PTSD on my part.


I'd try 1/day, maybe 2-3 weeks and see what you get. If no side effects and you still have signs of virus and you feel it's helping, you could continue longer. When DD had EBV and was only able to go to school half days last winter, she took it for 3 weeks steady (the first few days I think I gave 2 doses/day) and then after 3 weeks, I think I tapered to every other day for an additional 2 weeks.


The twins were KPU negative but also had inappropriate Zinc/Copper ratios.


As you know, when you add the zinc the copper will release and levels will regulate to more appropriate levels. Copper depletes digestive enzymes effecting absorption often followed by yeast/fungus proliferation and possibly reactivation of viruses..... They did not specifically mention the copper being bound to viruses just heavy metals in general. We are dealing with high lead, high copper, indications of mercury and high viral load so it all makes sense to me. If you haven't tested for heavy metals yet you might considered it. I am positive one of your Dr.'s is well versed in testing/treating for heavy metals. We were also told chelation can take 6 months to 2 years depending on how they dump and if there is biofilm problem. Remember the biofilm's will grab heavy metals as well to form their protective coating. If our kids do not release heavy metals properly we will step up the biofilm protocol along with chelation. We are hoping chelation will weaken any remaining biofilm structures so more aggressive protocol will NOT be needed. Based on our children's current progress it is felt by our Dr. they will dump fairly easily but only time will tell. We are in the process of challenging for heavy metals and the two boys urine stunk horribly so I am assuming they dumped a lot with challenge. While DD's urine did not stink. We are still awaiting the results.


Like your son, our older son is currently doing very well and responds normally to illnesses but not off antibiotics yet. Our hope is that dealing with these remaining issues will once again lower load to prevent future immune activation when ill and viral titers will eventually "all" normalize. Alpha Lipic Acid is considered a chelator. You might try adding some for a week or two to see if you get an activation of symptoms, if so.... I'd again consider testing for heavy metals.


Wendy - just one caution about using ALA as a chelator. While I'm no fan of Cutler (I think he's pompous), I do agree with his general thinking in terms of chelation approach, minimizing inflammation and in avoiding ALA until you're several months into active chelation. ALA crosses the BBB while DMSA, DMPS, EDTA do not. Cutler says (right or wrong) that if you use ALA too soon and your body has more heavy metals on one side of the BBB than on the other, ALA will chelate the metals onto the side that has less heavy metals in an effort to find balance. So if the body is more polluted than the brain/CNS and you use ALA while this is the case, the ALA will move the metals out of your soft tissue and into the brain, doing the exact opposite of what you'd hoped for.


I'm not enough of a scientist to know if what he says is completely accurate or if there are other factors to consider. But it did scare the heck out of me enough to think it's worth passing along fyi. If you suspect metals, best to work with an experienced doctor and use prescription chelators first and only consider ALA after you're through the worst of it. Cutler likes ALA a lot - but only once the heavy lifting is completed. (BTW - he hates chlorella b/c he feels its binding is too weak and does more harm than good. He is also not very find of Klinghardt. So take it fwiw but in this particular aspect, I'm inclined to follow his advice).

Posted (edited)

LLM: Interesting. I have read some by Cutler or about his perspective and will agree the topic of heavy metals can be confusing. He also doesn't like MSM as a chelator for similar reasons. Supposedly MSM Sulphur moves the mercury around, doesn't bind like DMSA and as a result only ends up displacing it in other parts of the body (did not specifically say to the brain though). AND, as you know, we've had a great response to MSM perhaps due to it helping with oxidative stress over it actually moving metals. It reminds me of the debate on supplementing with D or magnesium and if it feeds the Lyme/infections or helps the body to fight it. Literally I'm banging me head against the wall on the heavy metals topic.


Soooooo, the only child we ended up supplementing with ALA was 'severely' depleted in it. This is our older son and he does take two Core pills a day plus some C's, D's, Iron, etc. All the other vitamins and minerals were at decent levels. I do think we had some dumping when starting the ALA or least a slight increase in symptoms but now back above prior baseline. I am not sure our Pediatrician fully ascribes to all of Cutler's perspectives or protocols, more because his protocol is difficult to administer throughout the day (every 4 hours even during the night). She stated, that she gets just as good of results addressing heavy metals with the alternative solution and o.k. with both ALA and MSM. We plan to start with every other weekend, DMSA 3 times a day for 3 days (depending on challenge results). My hope is we won't need to be more aggressive with protocols or up biofilm treatments.


One thing I have learned is never, say never though. So, who knows at some point I may be administering medication in the middle of the night, or exploring IV chelation, or giving ungodly amounts of enzymes for biofilms. If all goes smoothly the last thing we'll test for is biofilms again, when we are done with chelation and then start the process of tapering off antibiotics.


I think the take away..... the persistent viral titers were a clue and did not resolve easily with a months worth of anti-viral treatment. We needed to dig further and hence found heavy metals.

Edited by SF Mom

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