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Any Way to prepare for IVIG?


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In order to keep my DD headache free the key was lots of water a few days ahead, all throughout, and for two weeks after IVIg. And I mean a ton of water. In addition, I gave her dye-free ibuprofen (600 mg tid) a few days before, during, and for two weeks after. In addition, I gave her dye-free benedryl throughout the day(s) of the infusion, as well as the day after (only at night the day after if she was doing really well). Finally, I made sure never to do IVIg on an empty stomach, otherwise she got nauseous. By doing this DD never needed prednisone during the infusion. The one time she tried it she had a difficult time. It's better to start at a slow speed, see how it goes, and then increase slowly. After the first few we had a good sense of what she could tolerate and how best to prepare.

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