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OCD much worse in the morning

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My son is doing very well for the most part. Doctor recently said my son's lyme is reduced to about 40%, and he not testing for any active viruses. Though overall my son is doing well, we seem to have setbacks in the morning. This past week has been especially bad. Basically, he just has trouble getting going in the morning and this sets off his OCD which hinders him from completely his school work in a timely manner--though he is able to complete it which is a big improvement for him. He is not a big breakfast eater, though he does eat breakfast because he knows he has too. But he doesn't eat much because he doesn't feel good if he does (I understand this because I am the same way). Anyway, after lunch he always improves. I'm not sure exactly why he improves. He eats a large lunch, but usually he also takes his "lyme cocktail" at that time. I know that is partly why he improves, but I don't think it is all of it. Unfortunately, by the afternoon he's frustrated because he has so much school left because he struggled in the morning.


I was wondering if possibly his problem is low cholesterol (150). He probably also has low blood pressure. Also, I thought I read a post from JuliaFaith that I thought said something about chlorella lowering cholesterol. He is on a low dose of chlorella now (15 per day). He doesn't do well when I up it any higher. Perhaps the chlorella is the whole problem. Perhaps it's because I upped his glutathione from 1 100 mg. tablet to 2. But he was having trouble before I upped it (actually that's why I upped it). He is also somewhat hypoglycemic. But should his blood sugar level have that much of an impact on him? And what can I do about it if he can't eat any more for breakfast than he's already eating?


Does anyone have any suggestions?


Here's what he's on:

Methyl B-12 shots every 3 days, 0.9 mg.

CORE 4/day

Borage oil (2 per day)

chlorella 15/day

glutathione -- 200 mg/day (just upped from 100 mg/day)

mimosa 1/2 t/day (started this about 6 weeks ago for parasite maintenance)

hydrozyme 3/day

5-mthf -- 1 mg. 1/day

magnesium -- 100 mg. 4/day

pinella -- 6 drops/day

basic b-coomplex -- 2/day

K. bab, K. bart, K. harmony, K. merc. mixture made up in the office

viressence -- 1 dropper full/day for virus maintenance (he is not testing for any active viruses by ART or bloodwork)

"lyme cocktail" (in place of antibiotics)

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My older son who is 8 was always worse right before bed and I attributed it to being tired, having low cortisol levels and immune function at that time. Similar to having a cold and being worse at night.


When I read your post I was wondering about his hormone levels. Your son is much older and is now dealing with different levels of testosterone throughout the day. Here is a little blurb on peak levels of testosterone throughout the day.


Circadian rhythms can have an impact on many bodily functions, and testosterone levels are no exception. Normally, they are highest in the morning, usually at about 8 a.m. A man's testosterone levels then decline throughout the rest of the day, reaching a low point before bedtime--the theory being that he does not need testosterone while he sleeps. The day's events can change this pattern, however.


Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/302085-how-does-testosterone-vary-during-the-day/#ixzz2J0Yt4zm8


Perhaps checking his testosterone levels would be helpful. As you know, our kids are dealing with a lot and chronic illness can almost alter anything so maybe he is over or underproducing testosterone. Just a guess on my part.

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Thank you, SF Mom. I read some on the subject, and it looks like zinc is a factor. I just e-mailed my son's doctor a couple of days ago about upping my son's CORE (zinc and B-6). He is on 4/day, but his KPU number was pretty high. And I know low zinc causes OCD, my son's main symptom. The doctor said to hold off on upping the CORE until he could ART test him to see if he needs more (I would suppose he is worried about my son's copper getting too low if more zinc is added). Wish I had thought to ask the question while we were in the office last week!

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Maybe low blood sugar? My daughter has spikes of low and high blood sugar- low brings on meltdowns, high-fatigue. The ENDO suggested frequent snacks that include both protein and carbs. Its been working- snack every hour to hour and 1/2.

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Maybe low blood sugar? My daughter has spikes of low and high blood sugar- low brings on meltdowns, high-fatigue. The ENDO suggested frequent snacks that include both protein and carbs. Its been working- snack every hour to hour and 1/2.

Thank you for your response. I have tried that and he eats as much as he can, but he just isn't very hungry until lunch. But trying to get him to snack does seem to help some.

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