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Ok, I should know this because I am not a newbie, but

I have never noticed a herx reaction while dealing with augmentin and strep. This time is a new ball game now instead of OCD and strep, we have tics and Coxsackies. Today is day 6 of Valtrex and although the tics seemed much better the last 2 days...today he has a rash on his chest and his tics are "ramped" up a bit more.

Could this be herx? How long after a treatment begins do you then see herxing ( this is day 6 )? How long does it typically last for? What should I be giving him to help detox the toxins? (please don't overwhelm me... If you could pick one thing to detox, what would it be?)




Are you sure it's not an allergic rxn due to rash? Our integrative said to use charcoal and burbur for detox/herx. Burbur seems to help but we are also dealing with Lyme . I won't even attempt to get dd to take the charcoal, good luck


I've seen herxing within 2 days and some that didn't start until 5-10 days into a treatment. Assuming this isn't an allergic reaction (call your dr and/or use an antihistamine to see if it effects the rash), then to answer your question, I have three favorites for detox - milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid P-5-P form of B6. If I could only start one, it would be milk thistle. That said, some people who are allergic to ragweed could be sensitive to milk thistle - comes from the same family. But my DD is highly allergic to ragweed (as I am) and we both take milk thistle daily without any issues. So just an fyi... If you're concerned about milk thistle, then my second choice would be alpha lipoic acid (2-3 doses/day).


Never tried burbur. Hope - charcoal comes in easy to take capsules. What makes you feel that it would be impossible - does you child not swallow pills yet? (not that I'm pushing charcoal - used to use it a lot but never felt it helped as much as the other things I've mentioned).

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