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Started Danny on neurotin. 300 mg pm. He's still on nac is this a problem?


Started Danny on neurotin. 300 mg pm. He's still on nac is this a problem?


Sorry that I don't have an answer, Melanie. Neurontin is supposedly a GABA analogue, while NAC's action is mostly thought to be with respect to NMDA glutamate receptors, so I don't think they'd work at cross purposes or "supersize" any reactions. But you told the prescribing doctor that Danny takes NAC, right?


Your doctor seems pretty "progressive" and willing to try some things off-label for Danny; if I recall correctly, you've also tried Namenda, right?


What is Danny taking now, all told? What have you seen in response to some of the off-label meds your doctor has tried?

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