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Hi Jennifer --


We use OLE for prophylactic, and I definitely think it helps. Other than one cold, none of us in the family has had any illnesses in the year since we started it (knock on wood), and none of us gets flu shots anymore, etc. As for it actually helping anxiety, I can't say for sure, but I expect not, at least not in the doses we're giving. I don't think it has those same sort of properties/characteristics in terms of fighting anxiety as some manufactured abx might (anti-inflammatory, glutamate modulating, anti-depression).


As for dosage, I don't know of any solid "recommendations," and most OLE tablets or capsules that I've found don't identify any mg.'s or units or anything along those lines. Apparently, the active ingredient is oleuprein, and we look for brands that have the highest oleuprein ratio that we can find; that's usually somewhere between 18% and 22%. There're some available on-line and also at places like Whole Foods and The Vitamin Shoppe. We dose it twice daily . . . once in the morning with breakfast, and again in the evening at dinner, more or less like we used to give the abx.


Yes, it worked for more than a year with no backsliding at all... then it stopped working. The dosage can be extremely high compared to the recommendation on the bottle. You could ask an ND what dosage for your child. Nature's way Standardized is a good one. Make sure it is the standardized one. Keep giving probiotics they help too.


We use Olivus which has a "regular strength" and then an "extra strength." My girls are still on Zithromax, but my husband and I use the OLE for us to help protect them. We up to the "extra strength" ones if we feel something coming on. It is especially important for me as I'm an SLP in close contact with many children with special needs, lots of mouthing, not real good at wiping noses, washing hands, ect. So if you are in a high risk/exposure field like I am, I would seriously consider at least using it for yourself.

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