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Here are my DD 19's Myco P and Strep numbers for this year. Myco P is rising steadily, but very slowly. Don't know if this is indicative of current active or chronic infection or whether the numbers are not high enough to be concerned. DD has had ongoing nausea and vomiting since June. Also, she was dx'ed with asthma when she was 14, but it was always a footnote to other things. Since July she's had to be nebulized five times in the hospital. Am wondering if Myco P could be implicated--have read it plays a role in asthma exacerbations.


Do not have any idea what to make of the recent rise in ASO (DS has had rise as well, but not as much), especially given clindamycin and recent IVIG. Both kids had flares starting on the same day last week.



7/18 ASO 656 Anti DNaseB 147

8/8 Begin clindamycin 300 mg 3 x day, ongoing

8/27 ASO 400 AntiDNaseB 173

Myco IGM 339 IGG 3.88

9/14 Myco IGM 372 IGG (NA)

10/22 IVIG

11/23 ASO 551 AntiDNaseB 198

Myco IGM 547 IGG 4.34


Here is DS22 info; he had IVIG same week and has been on same clindamycin regime since June:


7/5 ASO 245

7/9 T and A

7/23 ASO 215 AntiDNaseB 340

11/23 ASO 295 AntiDNaseB 548

Myco IGM 206 IGG 3.60


We'll be seeing Dr. L on Thursday. Am wondering if clinda still working for strep (or was there an intervening re-infection in the two of them) and if we need something additional to work on Myco P.


This is a cross-post.


She seemed to think the increases meant nothing given the recent IVIG--eg they could not have been re-infected with strep. I am thinking of getting second opinion from Dr. T, especially as she stopped abx for DD given post-IVIG fungal infection.

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