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We have recently started a 3 week trial of Augmentin for my son. If that does not help his symptoms, his ped will prescribe a 3 week trial of Valtrex. She has found that the Valtrex helps some of her PANDAS/PANS patients if Augmentin does not. Has anyone had any experience w/ using Valtrex for PANDAS/PANS?


We had labs drawn. HSV was high. Tried acyclovir in Aug for 1 son....breakouts completely gone. He would break out all the time. As soon as 1 healed, another would be up. AND that has greatly help exacerbations for him.


Had a great phone consultation with Campbell's PANDAS doctor. I am the strep carrier, so I am starting on antibiotics immediately. Campbell may be the first documented case of PANDAS initiated by Coxsackie Virus B. She starts on Valtrex tomorrow. Otherwise, everyone else is good (we were all blood tested). Really grateful for Dr. Trifiletti.


Paisley - just wondering what makes you say that she may be the first documented case of PANDAS brought on by Coxsackie? Dr. T is one of our docs, too. Our dd has high titers for it also and Dr. T has said he sees that a lot in PANDAS kids. Can you explain a bit about how he felt it might be the definitive cause? Thanks!


Starly girl- who is your PANDAS DOC? Dr T has sugessted Valtex to us as well. I did not see any improvement though.


We don't actually have a PANDAS specialist. This is an open-minded local pediatrician who apparently sees a fair amount of PANDAS cases in her practice.

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