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Need reference/info re: IVIG pre-meds: antihistamine, etc.

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Can anyone point me to, or share any info or resources regarding the pre-medication for IVIG (Benadryl, Tylenol, etc.). Is it part of the admin protocol for IVIG, for the specific products used for PANDAS IVIG, or are there any articles or drug guides you've seen and can point me to about this? We're preparing for ds's IVIG, which was delayed (again!) b/c we had a virus in the house. It's being ordered differently than dd's and the only concern I had was a mention made of not needing to pre-dose with anything. If they meant that we don't need to b/c they'll do it when he's admitted I'm okay, but if it meant they don't plan to pre-dose at all, it makes me nervous (though I don't know if I even should be-- just never seen mention of it being done without Benadryl, at least). Looking for any info/resources before I have a discussion about this later, so I'm better prepared myself and have good info on hand if I need it.



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