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Posted (edited)

DD8 is in month 6 of Lyme & co treatment, PANS, Myco etc. So grateful that she is doing quite well. Today she woke up with a headache, complained of visual disturbances, stomach ache, threw up abx, and now has pain down one leg. Her knee is slightly swollen, have never noticed that before. DD3 also threw up (I am not feeling too well myself) so I am thinking stomach virus, but would that cause a Lyme pain flare? She has not had shooting pain this bad in months. The slightly swollen knee worries me. We see LLMD on Monday anyway but curious any ideas. She will not take motrin.

Edited by Hopeny

DD8 is in month 6 of Lyme & co treatment, PANS, Myco etc. So grateful that she is doing quite well. Today she woke up with a headache, complained of visual disturbances, stomach ache, threw up abx, and now has pain down one leg. Her knee is slightly swollen, have never noticed that before. DD3 also threw up (I am not feeling too well myself) so I am thinking stomach virus, but would that cause a Lyme pain flare? She has not had shooting pain this bad in months. The slightly swollen knee worries me. We see LLMD on Monday anyway but curious any ideas. She will not take motrin.



does she have any history of migraine headaches? i began getting migraines with aura as a teenager. they went away aound age 19 and came back after i had kids. my integrative MD believes them to be TBI related.


when i was first treated for bart, they increased to a horrible level before going away. all of those you list can be symptoms of migraines -- the pain in the leg could be - but the swelling not so much. however, i often had legs falling asleep as a symtpoms. during that rough time, i once was having a migraine in my sleep and got up b/c my son was calling in the middle of the night. i didn't realize and my leg went out from under me. i then had knee pain for at least a month --b/c i twisted it when i shouldn't have walked on it b/c it was neurologically 'asleep' -- could she have doen something like that if she was having a neuro issue and walked on the leg?i know -- a bit complicated . . . but just wanted to mention all those can be migraine symptoms but not so much the swelling.

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