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My DD5 has been on a treatment dosage of augmentin for 10 months. She is currently also on a steroid taper now for a sinus infection.

She has a lingering symptom, which comes and goes, where she always mutters "sorry" or "excuse me".

She says it is because she thinks that she farts, but doesn't....

Why is this one strange symptom still lingering?


I found that even after all of the other symptoms subsided, some of our OCD lingered - for lack of a better way of putting it - it was almost a "habit" - just the way they always do things. It was at that point that we introduced CBT/ERP - and in our case it has helped immensely. When we are out of a flare, it gives us all the tools to help break those residual "habits".


If you haven't already tried it - if she seems to be better on all other fronts - it might be worth a try.

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