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i have posted before about my son that he was bitting under the bottom of his lip. that stopped then he was pushing on his finger till the nail lifted off. now he does this drolling thing with his mouth. like he is going to spit then doesn't. sorry if that sounded gross.


i know he is going to do some kind of tic, but when it is so noticable like this, it hurts me to watch it. i dont want the kids in school to make fun of him.


so is this normal? and i hope this too will pass....any advice would be great.




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The drolling is for sure a tic, right? I drolled a lot as a child, but in my case it wasn't a tic. I think mine was related to heavy metals as I think heavy metals make you droll.



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that is interesting you say that. someone did tell me that he had high mercury in him. we do epson salt baths and he does take a magnesium supplement. do you know of any other things i can do. i have read cilantro is a good detox of metals.




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I'm using a chelating agent to get rid of the heavy metals. After my chelation round each week for a couple of days I experience a lot of saliva and have re-experienced that of when I was younger. That's why I believe mine was related to heavy metals. I could certainly see where your son's could just be a tic as I can picture that tic in my head even though I've never had that one.


I've heard the mention of cilantro before and Chemar here used chlorella for her son. I have made awesome progress with the chelation agent I use, but it also gets rid of the good metals so its full of blood tests every three months. It's just plain expensive in my opinion, but I'm hoping to be done using it in about a year. Even though it's really expensive, I don't regret the route I chose to take. It's been so beneficial for me.



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